週次	日期	課程內容
1	02/19	聲樂演唱中的語音法
2	02/26	認識英語字母、音標(IPA)、母音、鼻母音、子音
3	03/05	國際音標(IPA)
                Henry Purcell (1659-1695) 
                1.  Sweeter than roses
                2.  Music for a while
4	03/12	國際音標(IPA)
                John Dowland(1563-1626)
                1.  Weep you no more, sad fountains
                2.  Flow, my tears
5	03/19	國際音標(IPA)
                Roger Quilter (1877-1953)
                “Three Songs, Op.3”
                1.   Love's Philosophy
                2.  Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
                3.  Fill a Glass with Golden Wine
6	03/26	國際音標(IPA)
                Roger Quilter (1877-1953):
                Three Shakespeare songs, Op. 6, Poems by William Shakespeare (1564-1616) 
                1.  Come away, death
                2.  O mistress mine 
                3.  Blow, blow thou winter wind
7	04/02	Roger Quilter(1877-1953)奎爾特
                Five Shakespeare Songs,op.23
                1. Fear no more the heat o' the sun  
                2. Under the greenwood tree  
                3. It was a lover and his lass  
8	04/09	4. Take, o take those lips away
                5. Hey, ho, the wind and the rain
9	04/16	期中考
10	04/23	Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958)
                “Songs of Travel” Poems of Robert Louis Stevenson 
                1.  The Vagabond
                2.  Let Beauty Awake 
                3.  The Roadside Fire 
11	04/30	4.  Youth and Love 
                5.  In Dreams 
                6.  The Infinite Shining Heavens 
12	05/07	7.  Whither Must I Wander? 
                8.  Bright is the Ring of Words 
                9.  I Have Trod the Upward and the Downward   Slope
13	05/14	Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864)
                1.  Jeanie with the light brown hair
                2.  Beautiful dreamer
14	05/21	Samuel Osborne Barber ( 1910 – 1981)
                Three Songs , op. 45
                1.  Now have I fed and eaten up the rose
                2.  A green lowland of pianos 
                3.  O boundless, boundless evening

15	05/28	Benjamin Britten 1913-1976 (1913-1976)
                1. How Sweet the Answer 
                2. The Minstrel Boy
                3. The Last Rose of Summer
16	06/04	Samuel Barber ( 1910 – 1986 )
                “Despite and Still, Op.41”
                1.  A Last Song
                2.  My Lizard
                3.  In the Wilderness
17	06/11	4.  Solitary Hotel
                5.  Despite and Still
18	06/18	期末考
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